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When the Best Embedded User Interface Is No User Interface

Sometimes the best User Interface (UI) for an embedded product is to not have one on the device at all. That’s not to say that there can’t be a few buttons on the product. However, there are many reasons why you might want to consider forgoing a full UI.

Reasons Not to Use an Embedded User Interface

There are several different reasons you might not want to use an embedded UI on your product. Depending on your product, one or several of these may resonate with you.

  1. Save on the recurring cost of the display. Not putting a display and all the supporting hardware on each product saves a significant amount.
  1. Harsh environment. This could be weather-based, such as snow, rain or sand; or it could be a factory with chemicals and dust.
  1. The device is mounted high on a pole or down in a hole. This can make it hard to get to or read.
  1. A mobile application would give a better usability experience. Most users are familiar with a mobile device interface, plus they offer more feature options and high-quality screens.

Types of Remote UI Access: Radio vs. Wire

With modern radio and wired technology, you have multiple choices of how to operate the device without needing to physically touch it. Radio choices include Bluetooth, WiFi and Cellular. Physical wire choices include wired Ethernet, USB and serial. The best one for you will depend on your application.

Using a Cell Phone as Your UI

We all carry a powerful computer in our hands today.  The cell phone can be used to create a more complete user experience. Some of the advantages are:

  1. Fully functional Android, iOS or Windows application. This means it can be used on almost any cell phone or Windows laptop.
  1. Control multiple devices. The user can save settings and send them to any device. If you have multiple devices in the area, you can control all of them from one place.
  1. Set up and control devices without having to physically touch them. This is helpful if the weather is bad or the product is in a difficult-to-reach spot.
  1. Get alarms. The device can send error messages or run conditions directly to the user.
  1. Update functionality without changing the device. New firmware can be sent to devices, and you can add new features without changing the hardware.

Partner With Our Team for Your Design

The SJE Rhombus embedded design team has experience creating mobile user interfaces for a variety of applications, using all of the technologies mentioned above.  We’ve worked with our customers to upgrade their UI designs with new technology, improving product functionality and usability.  Our team can take your design and bring it to life, or create an entirely new UI design for you.  Contact us today to discuss your needs.